2019년도 제37회 재미한국학교협의회 정기총회 및 학술대회에서 기조강연을 해주실 분을 소개합니다. 스탠포드 대학교 교육대학원 부학장이자 CTO(Chief Technology Officer)인 폴 김 교수님입니다.
폴 김 교수 Dr. Paul Kim
- 2017년 출판 ' 티칭이 아니라 코칭이다'
- Seeds of Empowerment founder (유네스코지원)
- JTBC 차이나는 클래스 23회 강사
- Smile project 2016년 유엔 미래교육혁신기술 선정
- 1001 story project 전세계 400만명의 어린이에게 스토리를 통한 리더십 평화교육
- 멕시코. 르완다, 아르헨티나, 부룬디, 탄자니아, 코스타리카, 팔레스타인, 지구촌 곳곳을 누비며 국경없는 교육을 실천
Dr. Paul Kim is the Chief Technology Officer and Assistant Dean of the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University.
Assistant Dean & Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Paul Kim is the Chief Technology Officer and Assistant Dean of the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University.
An education technology entrepreneur, Dr. Kim leads initiatives involving the design of learning technologies, educational research, and community development. In a trans-disciplinary project aiming to promote innovation and competition by constructing a Programmable and Open Mobile Internet (POMI 2020), Dr. Kim designs and implements mobile technologies and social learning environments.
In 2009, Dr. Kim founded Seeds of Empowerment, a 501(C3) non-profit global education incubator for social innovations leveraging mobile technologies. Under his direction and leadership, Stanford undergraduate and graduate students carry out mobile-social educational research and development in real-world classrooms and virtual learning environments. Some of the student-initiated projects he has helped develop and sponsor include the multiple award-winning TeachAids, a global HIV/AIDS education NGO, Adina’s Deck, an award-winning internet safety education program, SMILE (Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment), a mobile platform that has been implemented in over 20 countries, ROSE (Remotely Operated Science Experiment), and 1,001 Stories, a global micro creative economy project. These and other Seeds of Empowerment initiatives have been recognized in global competitions sponsored by organizations including the Sesame Workshop, WISE by the Qatar Foundation, the Marvell 100K Challenge, Vodafone, etc.
Dr. Kim has dedicated himself to international development through education and information technology strategies and has advised Saudi Arabia’s national online education initiative, the national evaluation of Uruguay’s One Laptop Per Child project, Rwanda’s national ICT planning, and institutional advancement efforts for numerous universities.
Dr. Kim serves on the Board of Directors of WestEd, the Committee on Grand Challenges in International Development for the National Academies of Science, and the advisory committee for the National Science Foundation's Education and Human Resources Directorate.
Dr. Kim was born in South Korea and received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Technology from the University of Southern California in 1999.